Saturday, August 21, 2004

Three new GMail related GoogleGroups

Three new GMail related GoogleGroups, one for experienced GMailers, one for downtime solace, and a Portugese language invite group whose description I found compelling. :)

GMail Seniority

Group description: WE are the ones who had the first experience with GMail. WE are the ones who have made GMail what it is today. *If you have had GMail for a month or more, feel free to join. If you recently got your invite, work with it until you get more accustomed, then join after about a month.
Category: Low
2 members, moderated

Gmail down

Group description: A group to let Gmail users tell others when they cannot access Gmail, so that the individual users don't think it is their own fault and go crazy from the isolation
Category: Low
14 members

Alguem me convida pro Gmail ? Someone invite me to Gmail ?

Group description: A vida é tão curta... e eu não tenho um Gmail !!! Como vou continuar vivendo ??? The Life is so short... and i don't have a Gmail !!! How do cotinue liveing ???
Category: Low
12 members


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